I am Tong, a Product Designer
I take joy in unraveling intricate problems and seamlessly turning ideas into reality. Drawing from 8 years of real-world experience as a product designer, I recognize that the true challenge lies not just in finding solutions, but in making thoughtful design decisions. Acknowledging that perfection is elusive, I embrace the essence of design as a delicate balance of trade-offs. In my journey, I delve into extensive research, strategic high-level planning, and meticulous consideration of diverse factors to ensure the best decisions are made.Check my works below!

Topaz Video AI

I led the redesign of TVAI, addressing user onboarding challenges, unclear workflows, and expectations for expanded functionalities. Key improvements focused on clarifying the confusing "preview" feature for new users by advocating for immediate real-time rendering. I also championed the development of a technically challenging comparison feature, benefiting seasoned users by discerning subtle enhancements. As the product enters its second development cycle, a revamped interface with new branding elements is set to launch in April, aiming to provide users with an enhanced and more intuitive experience.


SAP Edge Cloud

From Dec 2018 to 2020, I was responsible for an application under IOT branch, which was named as SAP Edge Cloud. It saved the users' effort at service mass deployment. ​This process book will focus on the early stage, how I analyze the research result and define the design scope - mass deployment. Because the previous senior designer left the team, I took over this topic as the only designer. It was my first time owning a product. Thanks to the product owners and tech lead for their help in the whole progress.


Activation Dialog

Usually, activation is a simple feature. Just a single click and it is over. However, in business product design, it could be complex, it may have many configurations relates the activation action. This article tells the story about how I find the existing usability issue and redesign the activation dialog.